Sunday, January 16, 2011

More about me...

Based on the title of my blog, you may have gathered that common sense isn't my best quality.  I tend to do things that make people ask, "What the fuck?".  Some examples?  Sure. 

I used to have a fear of moths.  Everything about them made me shiver and the dust on their tiny wings literally made me itch if it made contact with my skin!  Every summer I'd find myself in tears (no, really...actual tears) when they would attack me in an attempt to bring me to my demise.  As most people know, moths are attracted to light, and one summer night I found myself trying to coax one out of my lamp so I could kill it.  The little bastard wasn't having it.  At this point, I'm freaking the fuck out and asking my boyfriend what I should do. 

I think the conversation went something like, "Oh. My. God!  It's hiding in the there and if I look into the lamp, I'm gonna go BLIND because the light is so bright!  What the hell do I do?" 

His response, "Why don't you just turn the light off?" 

Umm, probably because I didn't think about it... 

There was another time when I was sure that spraying PAM non-stick spray on a preheated oven rack would keep my trans-fat laden pizza from sticking to it.  I don't think I've ever felt such burning in my eyes or appreciated fresh air as much as I did that day.

Hence, the self-diagnosis of Delayed Common Sense came to be.

I have a few other self-diagnosed disorders, such as Random Intermittent Memory (R.I.M.) and Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.).  While the latter is an actual disorder, I've never been diagnosed by a mental health professional.  However, the distraction I experience when I have random thoughts or need to write something down lest I forget it within 30 seconds, would support my theory. 

So, that's me in a nutshell.  I also love food and shopping and makeup and shoes and clothes and icecream...  But we'll probably cover those things in future blogs. 

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